Bible Study pt 5


We have come to the end of our study in the TULIP series. We've learned that men are sinners and that they love darkness more than light. In this state, men cannot choose God because they will not choose God, and they will not choose God because they hate God - viz - their depravity is total. Next we learned that for men to be saved God must intervene. "No one can know God unless God reveals himself to that person" (Luke 10:22, etc). Those whom God chooses are no better than any other sinner, but God simply chooses to have mercy on whomever he wills. In this therefore, we see that God's election is unconditional. Thirdly, we saw that those whom the Father elected, the Son's atonement is applied, and thus the Father is propitiated in his justice, and those whom the Son died to redeem is justified. This third stage in the tulip acrostic is called "limited atonement." It is limited in the sense that it was made only for a particular group of people - namely those whom the Father gave the Son. Fourth, we saw that God's call to His elect is efficacious in the sense that it always results in his people answering. "My people hear my voice and follow me," therefore we know that God's call to his people (this call being more than the general call that is made through the proclamation of the gospel) is irresistible. Finally, we notice that "all those who are called are justified and those justified are glorified." In the golden chain of salvation, there are no drop outs - the justified ones will be glorified. The true Christian, through he may sin, will persevere and no doubt go onto to holiness (without which no one will see God). Thus the last letter in the tulip acronym represents the Perseverance of the Saints. My Zimbio
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