"And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock." - Matthew 7:25
I feel bad writing this blog because I have not yet begun to see a real storm. If I were to tell of some of the "storms" that occur in my life, I feel blogger.com may erase my account and you the reader, may write me hate mail. For that reason, I choose to remain somewhat ambiguous about my life's storms - that is to say - "my life's annoyances."Recently, I heard it said from a boy of understanding... "In this life, rains will fall, floods will come, and winds will blow. The one who has been founded on the Rock however, will not fall." In my life, rains do fall. Sometimes they fall so fast and hard that I cannot see, and I'm overwhelmed from worry. Also in my life, floods come (usually in the form of bills). At the raising of these "floods," I am left cripple from panic, and the sinister Mr. Hyde to my usually Dr. Jekyll persona, is revealed. Lastly - and as not to be left out - the winds do blow in my life as well. Now grated, what may seem to you as a fan blowing paper on the carpet, usually appear to me as something out of a Sci-Fi movie. You know the ones that deal with out of space, and where black holes are sucking any and everything into itself? My "windy" moments are something like that to me. I know the image is backwards, but try to work with me here; use your imagination.
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