Sick as a Dog

So I'm thinking to myself..."Self, what if you could command your sickness to be gone in Jesus' name?" Then I remembered that God is the Sovereign one, not me. If my faith is the decisive factor on whether or not I'd get healed, what happens when I muster up all the faith in the world to no avail? Well, if I believed that faith is some sort of supernatural tool that I could use to manipulate the power of God, I'd stop believing in God. And I'd have reason to do so. I'd say, "well I tried...I really tried. But, it didn't work for me." [Sidebar: This is not to say that prayer does not work. God, from the beginning, has ordained our prayers to be means to certain ends.] Lucky for me though, I realized that the Bible teaches an all sovereign God who not only is in control of all things, but who isn't swayed by anyone's doing. So now what? Do I become a fatalist and say, "Its all in God's hand, I won't do anything?" Or, do I look to scripture which teaches the paradox of God's sovereignty with human responsibility? My Zimbio
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A Pilgrim's Progress: My Life as a Christian.